I am no longer able to access the Internet.

  1. If you can no longer access the Internet, first see the "Basic Troubleshooting Procedure" section on the main Troubleshooting page.
  2. If you are on a computer running Windows, run the USRobotics Network Test from the Troubleshooting folder on the USRobotics Installation CD-ROM.

    If you run the USRobotics Network Test, follow the instructions in the utility, and still cannot connect to the Internet, manually step through the remaining procedures below.

  3. When your computer connects to the Internet using the router, a number of devices have to work together. There are a number of places where the connection from your computer to the Internet might fail.

The following procedure covers the areas where we're going to troubleshooting the connections in your network and the router to figure out where the network problems is:

  1. Verify the wired or wireless adapter can connect to the router. If your wireless adapter cannot communicate with the router, your computer cannot access the Internet.
  2. Verify the router's connection to the Internet. Your Internet connection must be up and functioning.

Verify the Wired or Wireless Adapter Can Connect to the Router

  1. Start a Web browser. In the location or address line type and press ENTER. If you can access the router's configuration pages, try again to access the Internet.

Note: If you have modified the router's IP address, enter the new IP address instead of

Wired connections:

Wireless connections:

  1. Release and renew your adapter's network connection.

Windows XP, 2000 and NT Users

  1. Click Windows Start > Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type cmd and click OK.
  3. Type ipconfig /release and press ENTER.
  4. Type ipconfig /renew and press ENTER.

    Your wireless adapter should acquire an IP address (such as from the router.

  5. Type exit and press ENTER.
  6. Go to step 3.

Windows Me and 98

  1. Click Windows Start > Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type command and click OK.
  3. Enter winipcfg and press ENTER.
  4. Press Release.
  5. Press Renew.

    Your wireless adapter should acquire an IP address (such as from the router.

  6. Close the window.
  7. Go to step 3.
  1. Try again to access the router's configuration pages at If you can access the router's configuration pages, try again to access the Internet.
  2. Try again to access the router's configuration pages at If you can access the router's configuration pages, try again to access the Internet.
  3. Try again to access the router's configuration pages at

Verify the Router's Connection to the Internet

  1. Check the LEDs on your router to determine that the router is connected to the Internet.
  2. Verify that your router is connected to your wall jack.
  3. If you still cannot access the Internet, click WAN Setup on the Internet menu and use the page to configure the gateway's Internet connection. (If you have a DSL modem, you may be required to enter the login information your ISP provided.)

    Note: If the WAN protocol is static, you will need to make sure the WAN IP address of the gateway is a valid static IP address. A valid static IP address is one that is provided by your ISP or is in the same subnet as the device that is connected to the WAN port of the gateway.

  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Try to access the Internet again.

If you still cannot access the Internet: The problem is with your ISP. Contact your ISP's Customer Support to determine if there is a problem with your modem or Internet connection.


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