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How do I create a user on my USR8200?

  1. Launch your Web browser. In the location or address line, type the address of the router's Web User Interface and press Enter. The default address is (

  2. When the user name and password window appears, type in your user name and the password you created. Click OK to load the router's setup page.

  3. Note: If you have forgotten the user name and/or password please contact your Administrator. If you are the Administrator and have exhausted all user name and password possibilities, click here for the factory default reset procedure.

  4. Click Advanced in the main menu.

  5. In the Advanced section, click Users.

  6. Click New User.

  7. Populate the blank fields with the appropriate information and select the permissions level to grant the user. Click OK to add the new user.

    • Full Name: The user's full name.
    • User Name: The name the user will use to access your network.
    • New Password: Type a new password for the user. If you do not want to change the user's password, leave this field empty.
    • Retype New Password: If a new password was assigned, type it again to verify it.
    • Permissions: Select the user's privileges on your network.
      • Administrative Privileges: This gives users Administrative access to change setting via the Web-based management and Telnet.
      • Remote Access by PPTP: This gives users the ability to remotely connect to your internal network via PPTP VPN.
      • Read Files from the File Server: This gives users the ability to read files from either FTP or the File Servers.
      • Write Files to the File Server: This gives users the ability to write files from either FTP or the File Servers.
    • E-Mail Address: Type in the e-mail address of the user.
    • Choose the System Notify Level: None, Error, Warning, or Information
    • Choose the Security Notify Level: None, Error, Warning, or Information


    • User Names and Passwords are case sensitive
    • Windows 95/98 users for File Server and FTP Server access, the username and password needs to be in all lowercase, not UPPERCASE.
    • The Notification levels are used to e-mail users the System and Security Log files. The type of information you will receive depends on the Level you choose for either.

  8. Congratulations! You have sucessfully created a new user.

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