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The 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter cannot communicate with other computers linked via Ethernet in the Infrastructure configuration.

Possible Solution:

  • Ensure that the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter with which the station is associated is powered on.
  • Ensure that the station is configured with the same operating radio channel as the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter. If the IDs are different, change the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter and all the stations within the BSS to another radio channel.
  • Ensure that the station is configured with the same security options as the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter and can be turned off and on with the same security key.
  • Ensure that the BSS ID for a roaming disabled station is the same as the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter. Alternately confirm that the ESS ID roaming enabled station is the same as the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter.
  • Ensure TCP/IP is installed. Ensure you are part of the same domain or workgroup. Ensure you are automatically obtaining the IP address or that you have a correct IP address and subnet mask. Reset the Access Point and restart the computer that has a connectivity issue. Ensure that you have some files available to be shared.

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