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The 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter does not work properly and I may need to uninstall the device.

Possible Solution:

Check and be certain the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter is not in use before removing it. The laptop will lock up if the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter is in use and is removed. If the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter is not functioning correctly, perform the following steps:

  • Click Windows Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click System and uninstall the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter or click Windows Start, Programs, 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter, and then Uninstaller.
  • Reinstall the 11 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter and reinstall the correct drivers.

The power LED indicator will be solidly lighted or flashing if the cable is properly connected.

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