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I cannot get the MAC Authentication feature for my USR5430 to work properly.

MAC Authentication is supported only in Client Mode.

Note: The Allow and Deny MAC Authentication features work in reverse. The instructions listed below are correct.

If you wish to deny a MAC address from your wireless network, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Allow from the Wireless MAC address filtering field under the Security screen.
  2. In the MAC address table, enter the wireless MAC address (refer to the note below) of the device(s) you want to deny access.
  3. Click Apply to save the settings.

If you wish to allow a MAC address from your wireless network, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Deny from the Wireless MAC address filtering field under the Security screen.
  2. In the MAC address table, enter the wireless MAC address (refer to the note below) of the device(s) you want to allow access.
  3. Click Apply to save the settings.
  4. Refer to the graphic below to locate the Wireless MAC address filtering field.
Note: Some Access Points or Wireless Routers display the LAN MAC address instead of the wireless MAC address. Be sure to read the wireless MAC address correctly (not the LAN MAC address) of the device you want to allow or deny access to your unit.


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