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If you use EasyConfigurator, follow these simple instructions:

    Note: For the latest EasyConfigurator software, download the file (located just below this statement) before upgrading your USR9003 SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router. Once you have successfully downloaded the file, unzip the file and run Setup.exe. 67.2 MB 10-21-03
  1. Extract the USR9003_20040317_43E2EA8A.bin file located below to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.
  2. Launch the EasyConfigurator software.
  3. Select the Advanced tab.
  4. Click browse and select the upgrade file USR9003_20040317_43E2EA8A.bin.
  5. Click upgrade.
  6. When the upgrade is complete, power off the router and wait 5 seconds.
  7. Switch back on the router and reconfigure your ADSL connection.
USR9003_20040317_43E2EA8A.bin 1.1 MB 17-03-04

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