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3cmlink.exe error in Windows NT 4.0

When installing your 5695, 5699a, 5699, and 5690 modem for use with Windows NT 4.0, you may receive a 3cmlink.exe error message. This may result from applications accessing the modem before the operating system has initialized it. Follow the procedures below to remove this error from your system.

Note: These procedures assume you are using the most current drivers for the corresponding modem.

  1. Select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Services.
  2. If not checked already, select Automatic in the Fax Service field.
  3. Right-click Fax Service, select Properties, and select Manual.
  4. Click OK and restart your computer.

Note: This should eliminate the 3cmlink.exe error. If the error does not disappear, individually set each service to "manual" until you find the corresponding service that conflicts with the 3cmlnk.exe file.

When installing your 5610 or 5610a modem for use with Windows NT 4.0, you may receive a 3cmlink.exe error message. This may result from applications accessing the modem before the operating system has initialized it. Follow the procedures below to remove this error from your system.

Note: These procedures assume you are using the most current drivers for the corresponding modem.

  1. Select Start, Find, Files (or Folders).
  2. Search for 3cmlink.exe or 3cmlinkw.exe.
  3. Select either 3cmlink.exe or 3cmlinkw.exe.
  4. Select Delete.

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