Usage Guidelines for USRobotics Trademarks and Brands
The USRobotics brand and its trademarks have been carefully considered by marketing and legal professionals to provide every advantage to the USRobotics brand and trademarks. Please read this information carefully and take it into consideration when you employ the USRobotics brand and its trademarks in your communications.

We have provided you with a printer-friendly version of these guidelines (see the hyperlink below) for the online version of this documentation. We hope you'll print it out and keep it handy for any time you use our brand or trademarks in the course of your business.

Printer-friendly Documentation:
Usage Guidelines for USRobotics Trademarks and Brands

Electronic materials and guidelines are provided as a courtesy to USRobotics partners. These are electronic versions of the original materials. Some of the materials and information contained within the USRobotics AdBuilder Web site are subject to change.