Many products and services previously brought to you by USR are no longer supported or sold by us. Please check here to see if the product you have or service you were using is now supported by another company.

Products previously branded as USR:

Palm Pilots (Pilot 5000, 1000)

Info - 
Support -

3Com USR Cable Modem
Support- 3Com USR Cable Modem Support

3Com OfficeConnect LAN Modems
Support- 3Com LAN Modem Support. Products include:

Conferencelink Speakerphone
Products - CS1000, CS850, CS1050, CS1055, CS1075, CS870, DA1000) Support - 3Com offers online support:

3Com USR BigPicture Camera and Capture card:

  • 001622-00 (00162200) - camera, videomodem, and capture card
  • 001690-00 (00169000) - videomodem and capture card
  • 001689-00 (00168900) - camera and capture card
  • 001689-01 (00168901) - camera and capture card
  • 001689-02 (00168902) - camera and capture card

Support - 3Com BigPicture Support or Driver Guide

3Com USR branded products that are NOT 56K or lesser modems (this includesTotal Control products, switches, routers, NICs):
info -

Services previously brought to you by USR
USR does not take part in the Town Square project, we do not own any of the content or servers it was previously hosted on. We are not capable of maintaining previous URLs and email addresses.